What You Need to Know about Emergency Generators

generatorWe take for granted that the refrigerator keeps food cold, the furnace keeps the house warm, and flipping a switch makes the lights turn on. That is, until a power outage causes these everyday conveniences to immediately stop.

Never feel powerless again. When there is no power, we have the solution standing by with a Generac® emergency generator. Right now is a great time to install one to avoid having to endure long power outages, and Esehanurs will be happy to help you with it.

Why do you need a backup power generator?

A backup power generator can partially or completely restore power supply to your home or commercial property, so that you can do all of the following, among other things, as usual:

  • Take a shower, cook food, or flush the toilet
  • Access Wi-Fi to work from home in inclement weather
  • Charge your phones to stay connected
  • Keep your home comfortably warm or cool and control humidity
  • Preserve the food in your refrigerator and freezer
  • Keep the sump pump running to prevent basement flooding
  • Prevent pipes from freezing and bursting in winter

Causes of power outages include:

  • 38% – Lightning and other weather: wind, rain, snow, heat, cold, and ice
  • 26% – Utility equipment problems and grid overload
  • 12% – Fallen trees or tree growth
  • 10% – Animal contact
  • 8% – Human error: underground digging, cranes, traffic, vandalism, etc.
  • 6% – Miscellaneous: mechanical damage, construction error, fire, etc.

Depending on the extent of the damages, it may take the repair crew days (and sometimes weeks) to bring the power back – can you wait this long?

Never worry about losing power with a home generator professionally installed by Eshenaurs! We offer free quotes and allow you to determine if a generator is the right decision for your home.