How Do You Know You Need a New Water Heater in PA?

Your water heater is a precious appliance you depend on year-round for cleaning, bathing, and more, so having an old, inefficient one can be a stressful experience. If you live in Central Pennsylvania and are on the fence as to whether to replace your water heater, we at Eshenaurs are here to guide you through some basic considerations to keep in mind. Keep reading this post to learn the top 3 signs that it’s time to replace your water heater and start enjoying the savings, efficiency, and heating consistency of a new appliance.

Top 3 Signs You Need a New Water Heater

While our expert plumbers can repair many issues with your water heater, there comes a time when the benefits of a new water heater far outweigh the recurring costs of repairs. These three typical signs will tell you that your water heater has reached the end of its lifespan.

1. Age and Inefficiency

As your water heater ages, it becomes more and more inefficient over time. If you notice your energy bills consistently climbing, and you cannot attribute the rise to any other issue, such as another old appliance, or an increase in your home’s size or the number of people living with you, chances are it could be your water heater. This may be especially true if you haven’t upgraded your water heater in the last 8 – 12 years. If your appliance has reached the end of its lifespan, upgrading to a high-efficiency water heater could lead to significant savings in your annual energy budget.

2. Rusty Water and Leaks

You may not connect the two problems at first, but leaks from your water heater and discoloration in your water are both the result of corrosion within the system. If you notice cracks in your water heater, leaking, and discolored water coming from your faucets, your only option often is to replace your water heater. Call Eshenaurs and one of our friendly and knowledgeable plumbers will come to investigate the problem and advise you on the next steps.

3. Inconsistent Water Temperature

If you’re experiencing inconsistency in your water temperature, your water heater may be the culprit for a few reasons. If your water heater is too small or the heating element is broken, these two issues call for a replacement. Another culprit of temperature fluctuations is sediment buildup, in which case you can try descaling your water heater once a year to remove mineral deposits. However, before you blame your water’s temperature inconsistency on the water heater, be sure to check the thermostat and have other possible plumbing issues addressed. Eshenaurs plumbers are pros at solving these problems, so just give us a call!

Ready for a New Water Heater?

If you think it’s time to replace your water heater or you would like to investigate the sources of your water heating woes first, Eshenaur’s trusty plumbers are ready to help. We will be happy to help you get back to being comfortable! Get in touch with us today to book a plumbing appointment.