Updating Your Heating Equipment: Repair or Replace?

If you’ve noticed your oil or gas heating equipment using more and more fuel each year to heat your home sufficiently, it’s time for an update. This can mean installing a brand new system or fixing a component or two to improve operation. Either way, make sure you work with a trusted HVAC professional to get the job done right.

We’ve put together the following guide to assist you with determining whether your heating system is in need of repair or replacement.

When to Consider Heating System Repair

  • Your system is less than 10 years old
  • Equipment has been operating without many recent issues
  • The part in need of repair is covered under a manufacturer’s warranty or your heating system maintenance plan
  • Overall, it’s easy to keep your home consistently warm and comfortable

When to Consider Heating System Replacement

  • Your system is more than 10 years old
  • You’ve recently needed frequent service calls
  • The part is need of repair is not covered by a manufacturer’s warranty or your heating system maintenance plan
  • It’s difficult to control your home’s temperature and air quality

Wondering what the best choice is for your oil or gas heating equipment?

Discuss your options with a professional. If you’re a homeowner in the Harrisburg, PA, area, get a FREE heating system upgrade consultation!

Ready to schedule your installation or repair service today?

You can request a new heating system installation quote or request HVAC service right here online! Don’t forget to look into hassle-free financing options to make your equipment upgrade even more affordable