As the summer months rage on here in Central Pennsylvania, purchasing home heating fuel may not be top of mind. But we’re here to explain exactly why it should be. If you primarily use oil for home heating, buying fuel as needed throughout the winter months can make for unpredictable budgeting, unnecessary hassle, and overpayment […]
Currently browsing: heating oil payment plans
PA Heating Oil & Propane Pricing Plans Explained in 60 Seconds
June 17, 2019If you’re an oil or propane delivery customer in the Greater Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area, you may have heard mention of pricing plans. We’ve outlined the basics to give you a quick snapshot of these programs. Simply put, pricing plans can help add predictability to your fuel costs. Oil and propane prices can change without warning, […]
Spread Out Your Fuel Plan
June 13, 2018Are you tired of unpredictable fuel bills? Spread your fuel payments evenly throughout the year with a budget plan that makes your bills predictable. A budget plan is a hassle-free alternative to your previous payment option and gives you room to enjoy each season rather than dread heating costs associated with cold weather. You won’t […]